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Get your Orange Card at Pick Pico! If you missed us there, attend any WNC meeting to get your card.
2nd Thursday of every month @7pm in the Westside Pavilion Community Room A
Show your OrangeCard at businesses and restaurants in the WNC Neighborhood to get discounts and special offers.
When you shop...
Pick Pico
Walk Westwood
Shop Sepulveda
Shop Local

Here are some of the discounts being offered by local businesses:
Imprint Revolution - 'Tis the season to get personal with a mug or shirt: buy a gift shirt or mug and get a kid's version of the same for FREE with orange card
Stray Cat Thrift Store - 2384 Westwood Blvd. La Ca 90064. 20% discount to any orange card holder. This discount is good starting Wed Nov 21 and will run indefinitely.
Stalking Horse - 15% off for lunch, dinner & brunch during the first month!
Heyler Realty will offer home warranty insurance up to $500 when you sell your home with them; Or, for a buyer, we'll give a $500 credit on closing costs by having the orange card.
Vetted PetCare - 20% off your first house call vet exam with code PICOLOVE20 and your orange card.
Face Values - $5 off any purchase of $20 or more with orange card. Valid in-store only. Limit one coupon, special offer, or discount per item. The price of gift cards or sales tax are not counted toward any minimum purchase required, and coupon cannot be applied to such items.
Barry's Carpet - Get $100 OFF one order of $1500 or more at @BarryCarpet! Applies to carpet, hardwood, vinyl or laminate. No cash value. Good 11/23-11/25. Please tag us on social media: Instagram: @barrycarpet Facebook: @Barry Carpet Twitter: @Barrycarpet1
Kiss and Punch are offering 25% off any order using code ORANGECARD on Code cannot be combined with any other offer.
FreshHandWipe - Take a Picture at our booth with your Orange Card. Like our page, post your picture and share. In return Receive a free promotional air freshener. One lucky poster will receive one of our newest releases, the essential oil vent clip locket. A $20.00 value.
10% discount on all products with Code: ORANGE
Smile Labs - 30% off with orange card
Marigold House - 10% off with orange card
T-shirt Labs - one free digital print on a t-shirt with orange card
Louises - 310-475-6084 10% off the Bill! Dine in or Take Home!
Vapor Spot 2378 Westwood Blvd La Ca 90064 - A whopping 20% off if you show your Orange Card!!

Cleo, David, and Their Balloon Animal Crew - 20% discount for those with the Orange Card who book us for a party or event for 2 hours or more. Go Orange!!
Happiness Handcrafted - 5% discounts to card holders
Pitfire Pizza - 10% off dine-in and catering packages
Lingard Events - a free up to two-hour consultation (a $100 value)
Pamper & Play - Save $5 on any purchase under $65. Can be used for Supervised and Parents Time Out Individual Sessions or Multi-Hour Packages, Free Bird open play or gift certificates. Save $15 on any purchase over $65. Can be used for Membership Packages, Birthday Parties, School Holiday Camp individual sessions or packages, or gift certificates.
Kids Artistic Sense - 20% off 1 week of summer camp
SLS Leggings - 20% off with the orange card
Body Designs West are offering a savings of more than 10% when people flash the Orange Card and purchase a package of 24 Personal Training Sessions. Buy 24 sessions ($1560) and get 3 FREE. That's a savings of $195!
The Pico - For those who flash the card and drop a business card or put their email/contact info into our raffle jar are eligible to win 2 complimentary tickets to a show - Creative Directors choice :-) Monthly Drawing.
Cactus Jr. Jewelry - $3 off any item of jewelry purchased showing the orange card
LA Dancefit - 10936 Santa Monica Blvd 310 473 3530 Come in for a Free dance class this holiday season! Valid thought 12-31-2019, for new clients only! Or Clients get *50% off your next class pass, promotions may not be combined, valid one time per client.
Aloha Poke - 15% OFF with Orange Card!
Hodes Vision Optometry - 20% OFF Eye Exams, Frames, Lenses and Sunglasses. (Cannot be combined with insurance, vouchers and other discounts. Excludes Contact Lenses.)
and many more!
Support your neighborhood businesses to help your community thrive!
Click here to visit the WNC website.
This is the area served by the WNC:
Sure, you can shop in your underpants (online), or you could have a human interaction with your friendly neighborhood businesses - Shop Local - improve your neighborhood by supporting your neighborhood!
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